Featherworks is the place where we will release new tools and features for Terra before we make them a permanent part of the website or app. It's a place for us to test ideas, and for users to get early access to features and give feedback so we can tweak them before release. It's basically a Beta for new features.
Current Featherworks Tools include:
Terra Control Panel allows adjustments of Terra sound contols and other items, including Automatic Gain Control (AGC), Volume, Alias, Bird Review opt Out, Antenna settings, and
Geo-privacy settings Terra Tech Stats shows you everything you could want to know about your Terras status
Audio Playground gives you access to noise reduction, including high and low pass filters, noise gates, and more
Bird ID Review lets you listen to and review sounds from the Terra network to help us improve the Terra ID engine
For the curious, we named Featherworks after the famous Lockheed-Martin Skunkworks, the secret and largely independent division that developed experimental aircraft and other programs, and produced planes like the P-38 Lightning, U-2 spy plane, and the radar-evading SR-71 Blackbird. You can find out more about that program