What is the Bird ID Review Tool?
The tool lets you listen to and give feedback on clips that are being produced by Terras across the United States and Canada. The goal of the tool is to allow users to help refine the ID Algorithm used by Terra for identifying wildlife. By contributing to this tool, you are giving feedback that goes directly back into making Terra more accurate.
Screen Explanation
A. Image of the bird IDed by the Terra ID engine
B. Spectrogram of the sound IDed by the Terra Engine - press this to play the sound
C. Name of the bird IDed by the Terra Engine
D. Confidence of the ID from the engine - this let's you know how sure the engine is that this is a correct ID
E-F. Location and date/time for the clip
G. User Feedback: This is where the user can give feedback on the engine's accuracy - first play the clip by clicking the spectrogram (B) and then click Thumbs Up if you think the ID is correct, Thumbs Down if you think it's incorrect, or skip if your not sure. Any of the buttons will save your response and take you to another clip.
We then collect the feedback for each clip, and if we get enough responses on it we can use it for training. For example, if we get 10 "Thumbs Up" for a clip and no "Thumbs Down", then we can say that ID is accurate. Or if we get the opposite, then we can say the clip is wrong and take a look at why. Either way, it helps us improve!
Feel free to listen to and ID as often and as much as you'd like! Every piece of feedback we get helps us refine the engine.
Future Refinements
Some future refinements we are considering are 1. a sample clip to allow users to compare the clip in question with what the ID engine thinks it's hearing; 2. more controls to the playback; 3. additional feedback options, including "Silence", "Human-made sound", "Dog", etc.; 4. User chosen ID, which will allow users to pick the correct bird if the engine is incorrect
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